MountainCamp – Counselors in Training (CITs)
June 8 - July 19

Thank you for your interest in The Mountain’s CIT Program. The program is an exciting way to practice leadership abilities through trainings and direct experience to live in a community inspired by Unitarian Universalism with a close-knit group of peers, and to develop program design and implement a successful camp experience.
CIT is for rising 12th graders.
The program will include the following components:
Small group dynamics – Participants will experience and learn about working with small groups. Working with the same group of 6 in a wide variety of situations under the guidance of a mentor.
Training sessions designed specifically for the CITs will be dispersed throughout the 6-week sessions on Unitarian Universalism, conflict management, peaceful communications, and youth development. Trainings will be conducted by MountainCamp staff and by The Mountain’s year round staff.
Participation in camp workshops and camp- wide activities, which CITs will critique and discuss camps educational process and is a great way to think critically about conducting and creating new programs.
Cabin groups experience – Each CIT will be assigned a cabin for each camp session with which they are responsible for. Along with mentoring campers while observing how the counselors problem-solve and relate to campers.
Intentionally scheduled time for each participant to develop new MountainCamp programs – workshops and other camp programs, and time will be included in the CIT schedule for program implementation.
Service projects and service trips – at The Mountain and offsite, working with local community programs and service work that ranges from environmental sustainability projects to addressing poverty and educational programs, approximately one day out of each week.
Multiple outdoor adventure trips with outdoor leadership training – Participants in the program will be trained on how to properly lead various MountainCamp outdoor adventure trips, acquiring skill to keep our campers safe. These trips will occur at least once out of each week. CITs will also participate till end of the summer.
Mountain staff will review the applications and reference letters and notify the applicants in order of who first filled out the application. Recognize that there are a limited number of spaces available. Applications must be received by March 15th to be eligible for the program. The application is completed below. We are holding spaces in the Senior High Camp for anyone who does not get accepted into the ASCENDER or CIT program.
This summer will be exciting and rewarding as always! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Youth Programs office by emailing youthcamp@themountainrlc.org.
CIT Participant Overview
Desired Qualifications:
Interested in developing knowledge and skills in a rotating work environment
Interest in developing interpersonal skills with the rest of the program participants
Ability and willingness to place the needs to peers and camp above personal interest
Ability to follow directions and accept guidance and supervision
Good judgment, integrity, maturity and flexibility
Enthusiasm, sense of humor, patience and self control
Ability to work as part of a team
Understanding, acceptance and implementation of The Mountain’s Youth expectations, overall mission, and core values.
General Responsibilities:
Being a positive role model, setting good examples for peers and campers
Participate fully in assigned activities
Learn about the environment in which each camper excels and is challenged in.
Learn to recognize and respond appropriately to opportunities for problem solving and conflict resolutions
At all times, model and practice the philosophies and values of The Mountain citizenship and community standards
Set a good example for campers and others including cleanliness, punctuality, care for shared camp spaces, patience and table manners
Respect others’ personal property, camp equipment and Mountain facilities
Clean your living space throughout the entire session
Possess mobility and agility over varying types of terrain throughout campus and offsite
Participate actively in the CIT program training and activities
Follow all camper and staff rules and regulations
Ability to attend the full session (not arriving late or leaving early )
Understanding, acceptance and implementation of The Mountain’s Youth expectations, overall mission, and core values.
$1930 per camper
Standard deposit (non-refundable): $400 per camper registration
Full payment of all registration fees due: June 1, 2025
Please submit an application to be considered for the program. Once you’ve been accepted, your child will be registered and you’ll be able to complete the paperwork and make a payment.
CIT Agreement:
If selected to participate in this program, I would strive to carry out a program within the framework derived from the 7 Principles of the Unitarian Universalism:
The inherent worth and dignity of every individual
Justice, equity and compassion in all relations
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
The right of conscience ad the use of the democratic process
The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
I understand that as a CIT I am a program participant and NOT and employee of The Mountain and as such I will follow all program participant guidelines including:
I will not use unlawful drugs, alcohol or tobacco products.
I will not engage in sexual relations.
I will not bring or use firearms, fireworks or weapons of any kind.
I will not use violence in my words or actions.
That as a CIT I am entrusted with the upholding of The Mountain’s Community standards and risk my current and future participation at The Mountain with my behavior.