Board of Trustees

The unifying characteristic of Mountain trustees is the commitment of each trustee to support and promote The Mountain. All trustees invest a great deal of their time, energy, and finances in this important work.  As a group,  Mountain Trustees have participated in numerous workshops and events at The Mountain, volunteered thousands of hours in the work of The Mountain, attended MountainCamp, worked as a MountainCamp counselors, sent children to MountainCamp, invested in The Mountain as founding life members, contributed to The Mountain’s Capital Campaign, and had multiple generations of their families immersed in The Mountain. Being a trustee is not a passing interest; it is a deep commitment.

Board Members

Pronouns: she/they

Camille Cassingham

Leadership Development Team

Camille Cassingham has been involved at The Mountain since childhood, from attending MountainCamp as a youth and working there as an adult to living and working onsite for 6 months in 2014.

Most recently, she was the 2019 MountainCamp coordinator. While the pandemic drastically reduced her involvement with The Mountain, she is excited to become involved again. Camille lives in Atlanta where she is a lay minister at UUCA, a Religious Studies student at Georgia State, and a part-time nanny.

Formerly the co-director of a small, private, nonprofit school, she has experience serving on a nonprofit board and is familiar with the inner workings of nonprofit organizations. She would be delighted to bring this experience to The Mountain.

Pronouns: he/him

Jason Cobb

Planning and Finance Team

Jason Cobb grew up in Columbia, SC. Jason attended the University of South Carolina on a full musical scholarship. He attended USC for two years before deciding to enlist in the US Air Force. His Air Traffic Control Squadron was deployed to Bosnia in 1996, earning him his veteran status at the age of 22. Jason returned to Columbia and obtained his RN degree and worked for several years as an ER Nurse.

Jason fell in love with The Mountain in 2022, after attending with other volunteers from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia. He returned a few weeks later and participated in the Grateful Gathering celebration, which cemented his desire to be of service to The Mountain. With extensive grant-writing and development experience, Jason hopes to further The Mountain’s mission, of enriching the lives of others, through economic growth and development. He also wants to help The Mountain discover new and innovative programs that will reach and captivate a multicultural and diverse population.

Pronouns: she/her

Joy Irwin

Institutional Advancement Team

My older daughter and I discovered The Mountain when she was almost done with elementary school.  We went to our first Mountain Con with just the two of us, and soon built a whole group of kids (and other parents) from our fellowship who made it a practice to go to every Con we could.  We kept going through graduation, just in time for my younger daughter to be ready for her first Con, and the cycle began again.

I’ve always been focused on The Mountain as it relates to children’s needs, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to explore how The Mountain meets the needs of adults of all ages as well.  I feel like I’m doing my fair share of the work being on the Board, and I’m grateful for the chance to be helpful.

Pronouns: He/Him

Kerry Keys

Planning and Finance Team

My relationship with The Mountain started in 1996 as a camper. I began my leadership roles with The Mountain as a camp counselor, and then from 2012 – 2014 as its Youth Programs Director. I served as a member of The Mountain’s Board of Trustees previously from December 2016 – May 2022, and as the Board’s Financial Advisor during the last 4 years of that period.

I currently live in Washington, DC, but I grew up attending the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Clearwater, Florida, and have served on staff for several UU camps – including SUUSI, SWIM, and The Mountain. From 2011 – 2013, I served on the Board of Directors for the Southeast UU Winter Institute in Miami (SWIM).

I’d like to continue supporting The Mountain’s growth by sharing my familiarity with its finances, staff needs, and programs. In particular, I’d like to continue helping The Mountain analyze historical data for programs, guests, and donors to support its operational decisions.

Pronouns: she/they

Rachel Kinback

Institutional Performance Team

I first came to The Mountain in 2015 to be an Apprentice on the Many Hands Peace Farm. At that time, the Farm was still forming. I became smitten with the region’s land and water and knew that this was where I wanted to be. After that first season at The Mountain, I decided to move to Highlands fulltime. I committed myself to the roles of Guest Services at The Mountain from 2016-2021. This chapter of my life is rich with connection. What a gift it was to be at The Mountain each day to aid the facilitation of countless good works, programs, and gatherings. I was frequently inspired by all the medicine that The Mountain is able to provide a container for. I learned countless lessons, witnessed small miracles, and was continually supported by The Mountain’s ever ebbing and flowing community as I set down my roots in this place.

My goal as a Board Member is to stay in and continue to strengthen and expand the interconnected web of Mountain visitors, builders and dreamers. I know how it felt to be supported by Members of The Board of Trustees when I was on Staff, and it is my intention to return that service and help in bridging the collection of caring voices that seek to create a thriving Mountain for All.

Pronouns: she/her

Maggie Lovins

Leadership Development Team

I am an ordained Unitarian Universalist Community Minister serving the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola. I reside in Pensacola with my partner in ministry, and service animal, Daisy Dog, my partner Chad and two loving felines. I feel that Unitarian Universalism is truly a lifesaving faith and it is my mission to spread the good news that you are loved, valued and worthy just as you are!

I attended Starr King School for the Ministry where I completed my Master of Arts in Social Change with an additional Certificate in Unitarian Universalist Studies. We are better together, we can only change the world together, and every day is a new chance to live fully toward those ideals, embrace our diversity and join in building the Beloved Community together!

Pronouns: she/her

Anna Martin

Board Chair Capital Campaign

I am a third generation UU who grew up going to UU family camps at Star Island (NH) and Lake Geneva (WI). I was born in West Virginia (“Mountain Mama”) and grew up near Milwaukee, WI.

Since moving to Western NC in 2012, my husband Langdon and I have been members at UU Asheville. My committee volunteer work has mostly involved welcoming (e.g. coordinating ushers/greeters) and religious education (recently rebranded “religious exploration” at our church), as well as service on the committee to organize the church’s annual retreat at The Mountain.

Professionally I work in human research ethics for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, reviewing research studies to assure they meet laws and ethical guidelines of research.

Pronouns: he/him

Scott May

Planning & Finance

The Mountain holds a dear place in my heart — starting in 2007 when my wife and I were married on the deck outside the Lodge overlooking the beautiful vista, and then held our wedding dinner in the Dining Hall and reception at the Treehouse / Rec Hall.  It was magical!

I am a lifelong UU, and have served as our congregation’s board president, on the SE UU Cluster board, and on the UUA national advisory council.  I’m happily  married, with four grown children and one grandson!

I firmly believe in the purpose and mission of The Mountain, and am grateful The Mountain sits peacefully providing a sanctuary for replenishment and renewal.

Pronouns: she/her

Victoria Stephens

Institutional Performance Team

I am a native of Atlanta, Georgia and graduated from Emory University, Goizueta Business School with an Executive MBA. Currently, I am living full time in Highlands, North Carolina. In my healthcare industry career of 29 years, I gained expertise within complex corporate environments in sales, client relationship management, strategic planning, program development, marketing and communications.

At UnitedHealthcare (UHC) for 19 years, I specialized in client management of large corporate accounts.

In the second half of life, I am dedicated to supporting the awareness of holistic health, wellbeing and regenerative food and to ensuring that natural resources and all beings on the planet are thriving for generations to come.

I have supported The Mountain for the past two years after being drawn to its worldview of wholeness and interdependence. During this time, I had the opportunity to build relationships with the Staff, which enhanced my desire to partner with The Mountain in a more meaningful way.  I would love to help the Board to bring alive the full potential of The Mountain’s mission and to help develop strong relationships to foster the advancement of its mission.

Pronouns: she/her

Rev. Jan Taddeo

Recording Secretary

Bio coming soon.

Pronouns: she/her

Marleen Trader

Institutional Performance Team

I came with a group of volunteers from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia less than 10 years ago and have been volunteering several times a year since. It’s simply an inclusive, accepting, positive place in a beautiful inspiring physical setting. I have attended our annual church retreat twice. I’ve seen so many interesting programs scheduled but haven’t actually attended.

I want to assist in decreasing risk for The Mountain by continuing to improve maintenance and safety; assess what will keep guests returning; and determine how to make more people aware of The Mountain.

It’s important to me to spend time with family and friends; continue to learn about anything/everything; and expand my spiritual exploration.

I believe that we are all responsible for helping to improve people’s lives—whether through our gifts, or just consciously valuing and caring for everyone we meet.

Pronouns: He/Him

Dave Zenner

Institutional Performance Team

Dave Zenner is an environmentalist and an architect. Dave is a graduate of Yale, living in Atlanta with Pamela, his wife of 47 years. In 2020 Dave sold his architectural practice to focus exclusively on pro-bono work. He is a member of Northwest UU Congregation, where he has served on multiple ministry teams and committees, overseen expansion projects, and twice been President of the Congregation. He has been a regular at The Mountain since he became a UU, having helped with many construction-related projects, served on the Capital Campaign Committee, and contributed his architectural design services for five recent projects, including the new staff housing cabins and dormitory.

Nominating Committee

Pronouns: They/ Them

Erin Powers

Erin Powers is a Unitarian Universalist religious professional and aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry. They have served in congregational and denominational leadership is variety of ways since 2012.

Erin lives near Tampa, Florida with their spouse, 2 youngest children and a variety of animals. Their oldest is launching into adulthood in New Jersey. They are a homeschool family with a focus on science and arts. Erin is also a co-leader for her youngest’s Girl Scout troop.

Erin enjoys supporting and creating opportunities for youth to connect and build relationships with each other, with trusted adults, and with their Unitarian Universalist faith and values. Erin first attended RE Week at The Mountain in 2014 and immediately fell in love. So much so, that they came back that same year for Family Camp! They have been back several more times, bringing their children as much as possible so that they too might fall in love with this special place.

Living in the south, Erin is well aware of the challenges of creating  meaningful UU faith connection for young people. The Mountain is a vital touchstone for our UU faith in the South. Erin is excited to give back to The Mountain so that it remains the vibrant touchstone for UU values in the South.

Laurel Amabile

Nominating Committee

I am a Birthright UU born and raised in the First Universalist Church in Yarmouth, Maine. While there I served on Board committees in the 1980’s and 2000’s; as well as serving as the Director of Religious Education, DRE, for 4 years. Since then, I have been a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville and served as the DRE from 1994-2000. Later, serving as the Board Clerk from 2020-2023.

Outside my work within the congregations, I have held multiple leadership roles within the Unitarian Universalist Association, UUA, from 2000-2013. I have also worked at The Mountain on two occasions: most recently as the Director of Development from 2016-2019.

My involvement within the Churches, UUA, and The Mountain have provided me the leadership experience needed to best serve the Nominating Committee. I gained a better understanding of funding, finances and faith development through my time on various boards, giving me a better understanding of the needs of The Mountain Board of Trustees.

I hope to bring these experiences and connections to the Nominating Committee to help support the Mountain’s mission, Staff, Board, and Leadership Committees.

Pronouns: He/Him

Wayne Morris

Nominating Committee

I’ve been aware of Unitarianism since age 11 when I embraced a philosophy compatible with my nascent ethos. In 1978 I learned that ATL UU’s were researching a retreat property in Highlands, the same area I’d visited since early childhood & where I eventually purchased a sight-unseen residence in order to walk across the road to The Mountain.

My commitment to its mission is as solid as Little Scaly Mtn upon which it sits.  Implicit within that resolve is ensuring that it remains environmentally/financially viable, while realistically proffering an ever expanding philosophy as all institutions must.

Lee Reading

Nominating Committee

Lee Reading has over forty years of experience working in non-profit organizations, doing leadership and program development, fundraising and strategic planning. He served The Mountain as Interim Director for two years (Feb. 2011 – Feb. 2013) and has been on the Board for six years (May 2018-May 2024).

Pronouns: He/Him

Robert E. Smith

Nominating Committee

A good part of my adult life has been dedicated to The Mountain. Having first heard about plans to create a UU Camp and Conference Center in the Southeast, near HIghlands, my wife and I were thrilled. We had just joined the UU Fellowship of Tuscaloosa (AL) in 1977, and this was another great reason to be so pleased with our affiliation. Long story short, we were able to join the staff of The Mountain, 1994 for me and 1995 for Susan. We worked there (here) for 10 and 12 years respectively.

The one thing that stands out so well is the close relationships formed with UUs all over the southeast and the close friendships formed with like-minded non-UUs from all over the country. I continued my work with UUs by becoming a congregational consultant, working with boards on retreat and as a placement consultant for UU ministers, mainly Interim ministry. I was involved with the then Mid-South and Thomas Jefferson Districts. In 2010 I agreed to serve on the Mountain Endowment Board, reconstituted. We met in person at the 2011 Annual Meeting, and I was elected Treasurer, mainly as we have remained residents of Highlands all these years.

I served on the Endowment Board until 2019. I have always been available as a volunteer, a role which began with UU of Tuscaloosa volunteer weeks. My next to latest effort was redoing deteriorated windows in the lower Rec Hall in 2020, during the Pandemic. I was pleased to be requested to be a nominee for the Nominating Committee in 2023, and continue my service to The Mountain.

Pronouns: She/Her

Marleen Trader

Board Liason

I came with a group of volunteers from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia less than 10 years ago and have been volunteering several times a year since. It’s simply an inclusive, accepting, positive place in a beautiful inspiring physical setting. I have attended our annual church retreat twice. I’ve seen so many interesting programs scheduled but haven’t actually attended.

I want to assist in decreasing risk for The Mountain by continuing to improve maintenance and safety; assess what will keep guests returning; and determine how to make more people aware of The Mountain.

It’s important to me to spend time with family and friends; continue to learn about anything/everything; and expand my spiritual exploration.

I believe that we are all responsible for helping to improve people’s lives—whether through our gifts, or just consciously valuing and caring for everyone we meet.

Pronouns: She/Her

Adelaide Whitehead

Nominating Committee

I grew up in Gainesville, GA – a short drive from The Mountain, and spent many summers in Appalachia. I graduated from Auburn University in 2015, and have since held positions in the nonprofit, financial, and software industries. I currently live in Austin, Texas, though I work fully remotely and enjoy the freedom to travel that comes with it. I have three younger siblings and two phenomenal parents, who are scattered throughout Georgia and South Carolina.

I am a long-time program participant and raving fan of The Mountain, having attended camps and youth conferences since a young age. I attended family camps as a very young child, CONs (both as an attendee and as a PAL), and Elementary, Intermediate and Senior High MountainCamp every year until 2008. I worked as a MountainCamp counselor in the summers of 2012 and 2013, and Ascender Co-Mentor in 2014 and 2015.

I would like to leverage my connections to MountainCamp folks, AmeriCorps peers, growing professional network and experiences as a recruiter to help find eligible board members for The Mountain.

The Mountain created a community and provided experiences that have directly shaped the woman I’ve become. I am becoming emotional writing about it now, for as I’m sure those who have experienced “Mountain Magic” will agree – it is difficult to distill that feeling into words. The teachings of The Mountain and the time I spent on Little Scaly changed the way I view humanity; it fostered much needed self-confidence as I exited my youth and matured into an adult.

That impact is without a doubt something I’d like to spend my time, energy and talent supporting and amplifying for generations to come.  I want to serve on the Nominating Committee to do everything in my power to ensure the organization is robust and successful so that it can impact other lives with the magnitude in which it has impacted mine.

Teresa Youngblood

Nominating Committee

Teresa is a credentialed religious educator; the family ministry coordinator for the UU whole-church subscription service, Soul Matters; a longtime contributor to the UUA’s devotional, Braver/Wiser; and a seminarian at Duke Divinity School. Drawing on her five years working professionally as a hospital chaplain, she volunteers on the pastoral care team at the congregation in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She is the parent of three, happy (Mountain) campers, ages 7 to 16, and feels gratefully, powerfully “at home” at The Mountain.

Teresa first learned about UUism in 2004, when she bought an Our Whole Lives sexuality education book to use as a resource at the middle school where she then taught in Tallahassee, Florida. Discovering, through the values that shone in that curriculum, how special UU was, she began attending the church in Tallahassee. (That’s where she heard great stories of Mountain Thanksgivings and MountainCamp, though it would be another couple of years before she got here herself!) When she moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas in 2011, joining the UU was one of the first things she did. She soon thereafter accepted the position of religious educator, and then in 2014, came to The Mountain for RE Week. She was hooked! She immediately wanted to be a part of this special place, and more importantly, be a part of the special, faith-filled impact this place had on others. The following year, she asked if she could help run the kids’ camp for the RE Week kids. She did this for several years.

The Mountain is the place where–more than any other–she and her children most powerfully experience the strength and community of Unitarian Universalism. Teresa aims to use her connections throughout the Southern region–especially in religious education and family ministry–to help more people become not only aware of The Mountain, but deeply invested in it, and committed to helping the community thrive through involvement and leadership.

Standing Agenda Items for Board Meetings

Revised 11/10/15  The Recording Secretary will maintain the master file of all policies and will update them as appropriate.

Every Regular Meeting

  • Approve minutes of previous meeting
  • Mountain Operations and Finance Report
  • Team Reports
  • Mountain Matters content suggestions

May – First Meeting of Board following Elections (After Annual Meeting)

  • Approve Board Teams, Chair, Corporate Secretary, and Recording Secretary
  • Approval of resolutions for bank & investment account signatories (Chair and Corporate Secretary)
  • Review and Affirm Covenant of Community Standards and Behaviors
  • Team Meetings to determine goals for coming year (conducted after Board meeting)

August – Second Meeting

  • New Trustee Orientation (Leadership Development Team)
  • Team Meeting: Report on Goals and Action Plans
  • Nominations Committee Appointments
  • Annual Review of Board/Executive Relations Policies (Planning and Finance)
  • Annual Review of Executive Limitations Policies (Planning and Finance)

November – Third Meeting

  • Need for Audit/Review (Financial Advisor/Director)
  • Trustee Recruitment (Leadership Development Team)
  • Annual Review of Succession Plan and Plan for Immediate Departure of Exec Director (Planning and Finance Team)
  • Annual Development Plan for Coming Year
  • Approve Budget for New Year (Planning and Finance Team/Director)

February – Fourth Meeting

  • Annual Executive Director Performance Evaluation and Salary Review (Planning and Finance)
  • Endowment Board Appointment (Planning and Finance)
  • Annual Review of Mountain Vision/Mission/Values Policies (Institutional Performance)
  • Trustee Nominations and Team Assignments (Leadership Development)
  • Annual Mountain Membership Meeting Agenda, including Annual Report

May – Fifth Meeting (Before Annual Meeting)

  • Annual Board Self-Evaluation
  • Review/Approve Annual Audit Report (Financial Advisor, Planning and Finance, Chair)

Board of Trustees November 2022

Front row: (L-R)  Rachel Kinback, Taryn Bledsoe, Megan Van Der Linde, Deann Peterson, Marleen Trader, KC Boyce, Lee Reading
Back row: (L-R) Steven Reines, Scott May, Anna Martin, Joy Irwin

Board of Trustees August 2019

Front row: (L-R)  Kerry Keys, Nathalie Bigord, Deann Peterson, KC Boyce, Nancy Wylie.
Back row: (L-R) Kit Hamblen P.E, Chris Breivogel , Megan Eckert, Zoe  Hansen Burnet, Dave Hudson, Lee Reading.
(Not Pictured  David H. Messner)

The Mountain Staff with Board of Trustees and Mountain Endowment Board of Directors in 2018

Front row (L to R): Dave Hudson, Mtn Board, DeAnn Peterson, Mtn Board, Megan Quattlebaum, Program Director, KC Boyce, Mtn Board, Charles Lee, Board/Nominating Comm, Rachel Kinback, Guest Services, Nancy DeLux, Endowment Board, Beverly Cree, Endowment Board Chair, Zoe Hansen Burnet, Mtn Board, Nathalie Bigord, Mtn Board Chair, Penny Raney, Endowment Board. 2nd row (L to R):  Julia Jamieson, Guest Services, Sam Dobmeyer, Programs, Rob Marcy, Mtn Board, Justin Perry, Programs, Teresa Falzone, Finance Director, Gail Sphar, Mtn Board, Margi Milburn, Endowment Board, Dick Fencl, Endowment Board. Back row (L to R): Kit Hamblen, Mtn Board, Joey Kyle, Farm Manager, Miriam Witzl, Former Finance-HR, Kerry Keys, Mtn Board, Linda Sterner, Mtn Board Past Chair, Laurel Amabile, Development, Chris Breivogel, Mtn Board, Lee Reading, Mtn Board, Mark Gramlich, IT Staff.